Sunday, September 30, 2007

I've made it through my first six weeks of school!

It's been a difficult six weeks, but I made it! My students are doing better than I expected academically. We've developed a great relationship. I have a few "mother hens" and a few overprotective gentlemen who are making sure I'm not on my feet too much, not moving furniture, and that I'm getting enough to eat and avoiding unnecessary stress. They're such great kids!

Trey's been gone for the past two weeks or so. I miss the days when he flew to a city and flew back. He's been doing mostly driving with his new company. My mom was nice enough to go to my doctor appointments with me this month. The baby waved to us during the ultrasound. We were also excited to see the nose and lips in the side profile. We heard the heartbeat and I found it funny that it sounded almost exactly like an audio tape I tried to make a few years ago. I was trying to record Trey's snoring, but the recording mostly just picked up the sound of the ceiling fan.

I'm feeling much better now. The nausea has ceased and my energy level magically increased last weekend. Unfortunately, my belly decided to appear as well. I swear, I went to bed Saturday night perfectly normal and woke up Sunday morning with a sizeable bump. I can no longer wear my regular clothes. Trey will be surprised when he sees me this Wednesday!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The New School Year

The school year started off a bit shaky for me this year. I received a summons to report for jury duty on the first day of school. Nice! Luckily, when I called in to confirm my duty time, I was released from duty. The second day of school was Trey's grandmother's funeral service. We lost Grandma Dot, but she's now reunited with Grandpa in Heaven. I had a substitute for the first two days of school, so the first week was a little crazy, but since then I've gotten to know my students and am enjoying all of my classes. I'm teaching six periods of American Lit. Whew! We'll be starting the Puritans this week and The Crucible next week.

Trey and I also want to tell everyone that we're expecting our first child in April. We're very excited! I have two weeks left in my first trimester and I'm ready for trimester number 2! This nausea and lack of energy is for the birds! The pregnancy is going fine. I'm considering myself very fortunate that I haven't had any morning sickness.