Saturday, December 8, 2007

5 months

I'm 23 weeks and boy is it starting to show! I'm having people stop me and ask if I'm having twins, people ask how far along I am and looking shocked when I tell them, you name it, people are just RUDE! Yes, I know I'm pregnant, and I look rather large at this point, but really people, do you have to kick a pregnant lady when she's down?

All in all this has been an easy pregnancy. The first three months were the hardest. Now I'm just trying to stay off of my feet as much as I can during the day (which is tough being a teacher and all) so I can get my shoes off of my feet at night. The swelling has started! :) Trey's been super supportive, encouraging, helpful, and understanding. He'll make a great dad!


jozi said...

You look so CUTE! :) I can't wait to see what she looks like on the outside. :)

Anonymous said...

you are too cute!!