Sunday, October 12, 2008

Go Cowboys!

Trey had to pick Grace up at daycare a couple of weeks ago because she had a stomach bug and he found a Colts bib my sister sent as a joke in our bib rotation. He was not pleased. He emailed this picture to me while I was at work. He's so creative!

She's a Dallas Cowboys fan loud and proud!

It's been quite a while since my last post. I've been really busy with school and Trey's been on the road every other week. Grace is growing like crazy! She now has her two bottom teeth. They graced us with their presence last weekend. It was so hard seeing her in so much pain. Her entire body would literally shake in pain. Other than a few outbursts of crying and screaming, she took it like a trooper. She is such a great baby!

She's crawling all over the place now, still not using her knees, but dang, she's fast! She'll follow me from room to room. We started baby-proofing the house this weekend. I'm sure it won't be too long before she's up and walking. She's already trying to pull herself up on things. At her six month check-up she was 26 1/2 inches long and weighed 16 pounds. She was in for a cold check-up a week before that and she was 25 1/2 inches long. She grew an inch in a week!

Trey and I took Grace to the Austin City Limits Festival this year and she had a ball. She is such a little flirt! She loved batting her eyelashes at the guy behind us! Here are a few pictures of Grace at the festival.


Hydro74Girl said...

becky....your daughter is absolutely adorable!