My goodness! It's been a while since I posted! Sorry y'all! It's been crazy here! Trey continues to travel every other week. My student teacher's last day was May 1, and I've been getting back into the swing of teaching six classes per day instead of two. Whew! It's been challenging! I really missed by kiddos! I'm so happy to be back in my classroom.
Grace is amazing me all the time! She has learned quite a bit since she's moved up to the big kid class at school. She's in a class with mostly two year-olds and she has been picking up what they do. It's funny to watch her play with the other girl in her class. Grace will see her line the baby dolls up on the floor and cover them with blankets (like the teachers do with the kids at nap time) and she'll come home and do the same thing to her baby doll. Her vocabulary is amazing!
She has repeated:
"No, no, Ranger!"
"Don't do that!"
"Go potty"
She said mama for the first time this weekend. Granted, it was in her sleep when she said it, but she's saying it this week more frequently. She says deer, Nana, Ranger, Shadow, book, shoes, truck, tree, and necklace. (I'm sure I'm leaving something out) She's started saying flag and pointing out all of the flags we see on the way home from school. It's amazing! I would venture to guess that we see at least 20 flags on I-35 alone!
Here she is, our little girl, not so little anymore. Where has the time gone?
Sitting Pretty!
She's gonna kiss me! Run! Grace sure loves spending time with her Nana Lana and Grandpa Dave!
Grace has become fascinated with flowers. Here she is on Easter Sunday pointing out the pretty Blue Bonnet.
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