Sunday, April 11, 2010

Progressing QUICKLY!

You know, I hate to admit that my husband was right, but he sure was this time! The doctor called me yesterday afternoon to let me know that Morgan would now be getting three bottles a day. She was doing well. I was so excited when I told Trey! Last night we were talking about it and he said, "Just watch, she'll get increased to four tomorrow." I told him I didn't think they'd increase her so quickly without having 24 hours to assess how she did with the three bottles. BOY WAS I WRONG! The doctor called me on my way out of the parking garage today to let me know they were increasing Morgan to a bottle feed every other feed, that's four a day. We are now at the halfway mark! We need to be at eight to be released from the hospital.

Eh hem, eh hem . . . Trey Hertel, I stand corrected. There, I said it!