Sunday, November 2, 2008

Six and Seven Months Old

We dressed Grace up as a puppy for Halloween. Thanks Uncle Brannon, Aunt Mary, Max, and Ben for the cute costume! She didn't go trick-or-treating, but she had a fun party at daycare. They dressed all of the kids up in their costumes and had a parade around the school. She brought a little bit of candy home, and Daddy made sure he took care of it so she didn't rot her two teeth.

Grace LOVES being on Trey's shoulders. Yes, I know, she doesn't match. Her Daddy was trying to irritate me that day. The cheer for the Cowboys together. (Not that it's working)

Here's our little girl, not so little anymore. She's pulling herself up on anything and everything.
She'll be 34 weeks old November 7th.

This was taken the day Grace turned six months old. She continues to amaze us each week with her new "firsts." She is trying to pull herself up on absolutely everything! She's a speedy crawler, and always heads straight for the dog's water dish. She has two teeth now and is working on two more. She's discovered her voice and she and I converse on the thirty-minute drive to school every day.