Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy 60th Birthday Nana Lana!

Trey's mom turns 60 today. We spent last night at their house celebrating her wonderful milestone. Happy Birthday Nana Lana!

Grace continues to amaze us. She's growing up so fast! Thanksgiving day she said her first words, "Hi" and "Dada." She waves when she says hi too! I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed that Mama wasn't her first word. She's been saying mmmmmm. . . when she eats since she was about four months old. But, she sure loves her daddy! For his sake, I'm glad she said Dada first.

She is currently working on her two top teeth to go along with her two bottom teeth, and I think her canines aren't too far behind. She can walk (a little unsteady, but really) while holding onto one hand. We were amazed yesterday that she could stand by herself, nothing to steady her balance, and went to a kneel without falling. What great leg strength she has! She loves her puppies and adores her cat. She has a boyfriend at school. (He's a few months younger) Apparently, he enjoys pulling her hair and she in turn tackles him to the ground and then gives him a kiss. Whew! She's starting early!

Trey's back from an enjoyable weekend with my dad at the Galveston motorcycle rally. He sure loves to ride his motorcycle! I spent the weekend working on grading and final exams. What would I have done without grandparents this weekend? Grace stayed with Lana Saturday night and my mom watched her Saturday during the day so I could work. I'm relieved to have my exam written, grades averaged, exemptions signed, and the end of the semester well in sight!


Heather said...

She is so adorable Becky. What an early walker she is. It is nice to see you all wearing sandles and sundresses, it is currently 18 degrees in Elkhart, IN. Have a Merry Christmas, Heather.